If You Want To Recycle The Foam In Your Business

Update time:25 May 2022

If you want to recycle the foam in your business, you m […]

If you want to recycle the foam in your business, you may consider purchasing a Foam Recycling Machine Line. These machines can reduce the volume of discarded foam materials to a fraction of their original volume. They can be operated manually or via a conveyor to feed discarded material into a silo. Once the material reaches the silo, it is fed into a densifier by gravity. This machine line can densify different types of foam.


Yuyao Lvdao foam recycling machines use both cold-compact and hot-melt technologies. They combine them by adding surface melting technology to prevent the blocks from coming loose. Yuyao Lvdao also makes three different foam recycling machine lines. In addition to its foam recycling machines, the company owns a fleet of waste foam trucks and a large storage facility. To handle this waste, Yuyao Lvdao has a range of different types of equipment for different needs.

The Compression Line provides a complete package for a foam recycling operation. It incorporates a large textile buffer silo between the grinding and compacting operations. This design eliminates capacity limitations at the grinding operation, increasing operator productivity. The foam grinding operation is able to process a greater volume than the compacting system, which makes it easier to load the prebreaker. The silo system also allows for more efficient handling of incoming material.


The EPS foam recycling machine also known as a EPS recycle machine is an ideal solution for converting waste foam into new plastic particles. These machines can process waste EPS scraps into blocks or particles by crushing, melting, and extruding them. The entire process of foam recycling is automatic, which minimizes labor by nearly two-thirds. Customers value this feature because it allows them to focus on other aspects of their business.

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